What Is A Jelly Roll Pan – Size, Types & Buying Guides

In the bustling world of baking, where precision meets creativity, there’s a tool that stands out like a golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s factory—the Jelly Roll Pan.

It’s not just any baking pan; it’s the secret weapon of pastry aficionados, the canvas upon which delectable delights are crafted, and the unsung hero of countless culinary adventures.

Imagine a sleek, rectangular sheet with slightly raised edges, promising boundless possibilities with its versatile design. From airy sponge cakes to perfectly crisped cookies, this unassuming yet indispensable kitchen essential is the epitome of baking brilliance.

But what exactly is a Jelly Roll Pan, and why does it hold such sway in the realm of baking? Let’s embark on a delightful journey to unravel the mystery and magic behind this humble yet mighty pan.

What Is A Jelly Roll Pan

What Is A Jelly Roll Pan

A jelly roll pan, also known as a baking sheet or sheet pan, is a flat, rectangular baking pan characterized by its shallow depth, typically around one inch.

It’s designed with slightly raised edges, allowing for easy handling and preventing spillage of contents during baking. The dimensions of a jelly roll pan can vary, but they commonly measure around 10 to 12 inches in width and 15 to 17 inches in length.

The name “jelly roll” originates from its traditional use in making sponge cakes or jelly rolls, where a thin layer of cake batter is evenly spread onto the pan, baked, and then rolled with a filling, such as jam or cream.

However, jelly roll pans are versatile and can be used for various baking purposes beyond just jelly rolls, including baking cookies, roasting vegetables, toasting nuts, or even making sheet cakes and bar cookies.

They are typically made from materials like aluminum or stainless steel, offering good heat conductivity and durability, essential for consistent baking results. Overall, a jelly roll pan is an indispensable tool in any kitchen, ideal for a wide range of baking and cooking tasks.

Jelly Roll Pan Sizes

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Jelly roll pans come in various sizes to accommodate different baking needs and fit into different types of ovens. The most common sizes for jelly roll pans are typically:

Standard Size

The standard size of a jelly roll pan typically measures around 10 inches in width and 15 inches in length, with a depth of approximately 1 inch. This size is commonly used for various baking tasks and fits well in most standard-sized ovens.

The standard jelly roll pan provides ample space for baking cookies, sheet cakes, or making jelly rolls, allowing for even heat distribution and consistent baking results. It’s a versatile size that can accommodate different recipes and is a staple in many kitchens due to its practicality and convenience.

Whether you’re baking for a family dinner or a special occasion, the standard size jelly roll pan is a reliable choice for achieving delicious baked goods with ease.

Half Sheet Size

The half sheet jelly roll pan is larger compared to the standard size, measuring approximately 12 inches in width and 18 inches in length, with a depth of around 1 inch.

This size provides more surface area, making it ideal for baking larger batches of cookies, sheet cakes, or roasting vegetables. The extra space allows for greater flexibility in recipe quantities, making it suitable for feeding larger gatherings or preparing multiple servings at once.

Despite its larger size, the half sheet jelly roll pan still fits well in most standard-sized ovens, ensuring even heat distribution for consistent baking results.

Its versatility and capacity make it a popular choice among home bakers and professional chefs alike, offering ample room to create a variety of delicious baked goods and savory dishes with ease.

Whether you’re hosting a party or meal prepping for the week, the half sheet jelly roll pan is an indispensable tool for any kitchen.

Quarter Sheet Size

The quarter sheet jelly roll pan is smaller in size compared to both the standard and half sheet sizes, measuring approximately 9 inches in width and 13 inches in length, with a depth of around 1 inch.

Despite its smaller dimensions, the quarter sheet pan remains highly versatile and practical for various baking tasks. It is particularly well-suited for smaller kitchens or for individuals baking in limited quantities.

The smaller surface area makes it perfect for baking smaller batches of cookies, brownies, or other treats, as well as for toasting nuts or roasting vegetables for individual servings.

The compact size of the quarter sheet pan allows for easy storage, making it a convenient option for those with limited cabinet space. Whether you’re baking for yourself or a small group, the quarter sheet jelly roll pan provides the perfect balance of functionality and efficiency, ensuring delicious results every time.

Mini Jelly Roll Pan

The mini jelly roll pan is a specialty baking pan that comes in smaller dimensions compared to standard, half, and quarter sheet sizes.

While sizes can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer, mini jelly roll pans typically measure around 6 to 8 inches in width and 10 to 12 inches in length, with a depth of approximately 1 inch.

These compact dimensions make them ideal for baking individual-sized portions of desserts or appetizers. Mini jelly roll pans are perfect for creating petite jelly rolls, mini sheet cakes, small batches of cookies, or even savory dishes like individual-sized pizzas or baked appetizers.

They’re also great for baking treats for parties, gatherings, or special occasions where individual servings are preferred. Despite their smaller size, mini jelly roll pans still offer the same versatility and functionality as larger pans, allowing for even heat distribution and consistent baking results.

Their petite dimensions also make them easy to store, making them a convenient addition to any kitchen for creating delightful individual-sized treats.

Jelly Roll Pan Types

Jelly roll pans come in various types, each designed to cater to specific baking needs and preferences. Here are some common types:

Non-Stick Jelly Roll Pan

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A non-stick jelly roll pan is a baking essential designed with a surface coated in a non-stick material, typically made of Teflon or ceramic. This coating prevents food from adhering to the surface, allowing for easy release of baked goods and effortless cleanup.

Non-stick jelly roll pans are particularly useful for baking delicate items such as sponge cakes, meringues, or thin cookies that may easily stick to traditional pans.

The non-stick surface ensures that these delicate creations maintain their shape and integrity when removed from the pan, resulting in beautifully presented desserts. The non-stick coating facilitates quick and easy cleanup, as baked-on residue can be easily wiped away with minimal effort.

However, it’s essential to use silicone or wooden utensils rather than metal ones to avoid scratching the non-stick surface, which could compromise its effectiveness over time. Non-stick jelly roll pans are available in various sizes and are a versatile tool for any baker, whether creating classic jelly rolls or experimenting with new dessert recipes.

Traditional Metal Jelly Roll Pan

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A traditional metal jelly roll pan is a staple in many kitchens, renowned for its durability, versatility, and even heat distribution.

Typically crafted from lightweight aluminum or stainless steel, this type of jelly roll pan features a flat surface with slightly raised edges to contain ingredients while baking.

Unlike non-stick pans, traditional metal jelly roll pans do not have a specialized coating, relying instead on their material’s inherent properties to prevent sticking.

While they may require greasing or lining with parchment paper for certain recipes, these pans offer the advantage of being highly durable and resistant to scratching, ensuring they can withstand regular use and frequent washing without degradation.

The metal construction allows for efficient heat transfer, promoting even baking and consistent results across the entire surface of the pan.

Traditional metal jelly roll pans are versatile tools suitable for a wide range of baking tasks, from making classic jelly rolls to baking cookies, sheet cakes, roasted vegetables, and more. They come in various sizes to accommodate different recipes and baking needs, making them a fundamental component of any well-equipped kitchen.

Silicone Jelly Roll Pan

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A silicone jelly roll pan represents a modern twist on traditional baking pans, offering flexibility, convenience, and ease of use.

Constructed from food-grade silicone, these pans are renowned for their non-stick properties and heat resistance, making them an excellent choice for a variety of baking tasks.

Silicone jelly roll pans are flexible, allowing for easy removal of baked goods without the need for greasing or lining with parchment paper. The flexibility of silicone also makes it effortless to release delicate desserts such as sponge cakes or meringues, which might stick to traditional pans.

Silicone is naturally non-stick, eliminating the risk of baked goods sticking to the pan and simplifying the cleanup process. Silicone jelly roll pans are also heat-resistant, capable of withstanding temperatures typically ranging from -40°F to 450°F (-40°C to 232°C), making them suitable for use in ovens, microwaves, freezers, and even dishwashers.

This versatility makes silicone jelly roll pans ideal for a wide range of baking applications, including baking cookies, brownies, sheet cakes, and more. Moreover, their lightweight and flexible design allow for easy storage, as they can be rolled up or folded without the risk of damage.

While silicone jelly roll pans may not provide the same level of heat conductivity as traditional metal pans, their non-stick properties and versatility make them a valuable addition to any kitchen, particularly for those seeking hassle-free baking and easy cleanup.

Stainless Steel Jelly Roll Pan

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A stainless steel jelly roll pan offers durability, reliability, and excellent heat conductivity, making it a preferred choice for many professional and home bakers alike.

Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, these pans are built to withstand frequent use and are resistant to rust, corrosion, and warping.

The sturdy construction ensures that the pan maintains its shape and integrity over time, even when exposed to high temperatures in the oven. Unlike non-stick or silicone pans, stainless steel jelly roll pans do not require special coatings to prevent sticking, although greasing or lining with parchment paper may still be advisable for certain recipes.

Stainless steel’s natural properties make it inherently non-reactive, ensuring that it won’t impart any unwanted flavors or chemicals to your baked goods. Stainless steel provides excellent heat conductivity, allowing for even baking and consistent results across the entire surface of the pan.

This ensures that your jelly rolls, cookies, sheet cakes, and other treats are evenly cooked to perfection every time. Stainless steel jelly roll pans are also easy to clean, either by hand or in the dishwasher, and they are resistant to scratches and dents, ensuring long-lasting performance.

Available in various sizes to suit different baking needs, a stainless steel jelly roll pan is a versatile and essential tool for any kitchen, offering reliable performance and durability for a wide range of baking tasks.

Aluminized Steel Jelly Roll Pan

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An aluminized steel jelly roll pan combines the durability of steel with the excellent heat conductivity of aluminum, making it a popular choice among bakers seeking reliable performance and consistent results.

Aluminized steel is steel that has been coated with an aluminum-silicon alloy, which enhances its durability, corrosion resistance, and heat conduction properties. This coating also provides a non-stick surface, although greasing or lining with parchment paper may still be recommended for certain recipes.

The combination of steel and aluminum in aluminized steel jelly roll pans ensures even heat distribution throughout the pan, resulting in uniformly baked goods with golden brown edges.

This makes them ideal for baking delicate items such as sponge cakes, cookies, and jelly rolls, where precise temperature control is essential for success. Aluminized steel pans are durable and resistant to warping, ensuring they maintain their shape and integrity over time, even with frequent use.

They are also easy to clean, either by hand or in the dishwasher, and are resistant to scratches and dents. Available in various sizes to suit different baking needs, an aluminized steel jelly roll pan is a versatile and reliable tool for any kitchen, offering the performance and durability needed to achieve professional-quality results.

The Jelly Roll Pan With The Cooling Rack

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A jelly roll pan with a cooling rack is a versatile baking set that combines the functionality of a traditional jelly roll pan with the convenience of a built-in cooling rack.

The jelly roll pan itself is typically made of metal, such as aluminum or aluminized steel, and features a flat surface with slightly raised edges to contain ingredients while baking. It’s designed for baking a variety of treats, including jelly rolls, cookies, sheet cakes, and more.

The cooling rack, which is often included as part of the set, is a grid-like structure made of metal wires or stainless steel. It’s designed to elevate baked goods off the surface of the pan, allowing air to circulate freely around them and facilitating quicker and more even cooling.

This helps prevent condensation from forming on the bottom of the baked goods, which can lead to sogginess.

The combination of the jelly roll pan and cooling rack offers several benefits to bakers. Firstly, it allows for seamless transition from baking to cooling, as the baked goods can be easily transferred from the hot pan to the cooling rack without the need for additional equipment.

Secondly, the elevated design of the cooling rack promotes airflow, which helps baked goods cool more quickly and evenly, reducing the risk of over-baking or uneven textures.

The cooling rack can also be used independently of the jelly roll pan for cooling other baked goods or even for tasks like glazing or drizzling icing over cakes and cookies. Conversely, the jelly roll pan can be used without the cooling rack for baking tasks where a flat surface is preferred.

Overall, a jelly roll pan with a cooling rack is a versatile and practical baking set that provides convenience, efficiency, and consistent results for a wide range of baking tasks.

Jelly Roll Pan Vs. Cookie Sheet Pan

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While jelly roll pans and cookie sheet pans share similarities, they are designed for slightly different purposes and have distinct features that cater to specific baking needs.

  • Size and Depth: Jelly roll pans typically have slightly raised edges and are characterized by their shallow depth, usually around 1 inch. They come in various sizes but are generally rectangular, with standard dimensions of around 10×15 inches. On the other hand, cookie sheet pans usually have rimmed edges, which are higher than those of jelly roll pans, typically around 1 to 1.5 inches. They are available in various sizes and shapes, including rectangular, square, and even round, offering versatility for different baking tasks.
  • Intended Use: Jelly roll pans are primarily designed for baking thin, single-layered cakes such as sponge cakes or jelly rolls, which are then rolled up with fillings like jam or cream. The shallow depth and raised edges of jelly roll pans help contain the batter during baking and facilitate easy rolling of the cake afterward. Meanwhile, cookie sheet pans are versatile tools used for baking cookies, as well as other baked goods like biscuits, pastries, and even roasting vegetables. Their flat surface and rimmed edges make them suitable for containing ingredients without spillage during baking.
  • Material: Both jelly roll pans and cookie sheet pans can be made from various materials, including aluminum, stainless steel, or aluminized steel. Aluminum pans are lightweight, offer good heat conductivity, and are resistant to corrosion. Stainless steel pans are durable, non-reactive, and easy to clean. Aluminized steel pans combine the benefits of steel with a protective layer of aluminum-silicon alloy, offering durability and excellent heat conduction.
  • Versatility: While jelly roll pans are specifically designed for baking rolled cakes, they can also be used for baking cookies, sheet cakes, or roasting small quantities of vegetables. However, their shallow depth may limit their use for recipes requiring more batter or ingredients. Cookie sheet pans, on the other hand, are highly versatile and can be used for a wide range of baking tasks beyond cookies, such as roasting meats or vegetables, baking sheet cakes, or even serving as a surface for cooling baked goods.

In summary, while jelly roll pans and cookie sheet pans have some similarities, such as their rectangular shape and use in baking, they serve different purposes and offer unique features suited to specific baking needs. Jelly roll pans are ideal for baking thin, rolled cakes, while cookie sheet pans are versatile tools suitable for baking cookies and a variety of other baked goods.

Jelly Roll Pan Vs. Half Sheet Pan

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Jelly roll pans and half sheet pans are both versatile baking tools, but they have distinct characteristics and are designed for different purposes.

  • Size and Dimensions: A jelly roll pan is typically smaller and shallower compared to a half sheet pan. A standard jelly roll pan measures around 10×15 inches with a depth of approximately 1 inch, whereas a half sheet pan measures about 18×13 inches with a depth of around 1 inch as well. Half sheet pans are larger and provide more surface area, making them suitable for baking larger batches of cookies, sheet cakes, or roasting vegetables.
  • Intended Use: Jelly roll pans are specifically designed for baking thin, single-layered cakes like sponge cakes or jelly rolls, which can then be rolled up with fillings like jam or cream. The shallow depth and slightly raised edges of jelly roll pans facilitate easy rolling of the cake. On the other hand, half sheet pans are multipurpose and can be used for a wide range of baking tasks, including baking cookies, sheet cakes, biscuits, or roasting meats and vegetables.
  • Material: Both jelly roll pans and half sheet pans are available in various materials, including aluminum, stainless steel, or aluminized steel. Aluminum pans are lightweight, offer good heat conductivity, and are resistant to corrosion. Stainless steel pans are durable, non-reactive, and easy to clean. Aluminized steel pans combine the benefits of steel with a protective layer of aluminum-silicon alloy, offering durability and excellent heat conduction.
  • Versatility: While jelly roll pans are primarily intended for baking rolled cakes, they can also be used for baking cookies, sheet cakes, or roasting small quantities of vegetables. However, their smaller size may limit their use for recipes requiring more batter or ingredients. Half sheet pans, with their larger size and flat surface, offer greater versatility and can handle larger batches of baked goods or ingredients, making them suitable for a wider range of baking and cooking tasks.

In summary, jelly roll pans and half sheet pans have different sizes, intended uses, and levels of versatility. While jelly roll pans are ideal for specific recipes like rolled cakes, half sheet pans are more versatile and can handle a broader range of baking and cooking tasks due to their larger size and flat surface.

What To Look For When Buying A Jelly Roll Pan?

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When buying a jelly roll pan, there are several factors to consider to ensure you choose the right one for your baking needs:


When purchasing a jelly roll pan, size is a crucial factor to consider. The dimensions of the pan will determine its suitability for various baking tasks and its compatibility with your oven.

Standard jelly roll pans typically measure around 10×15 inches, providing ample space for baking rolled cakes, cookies, or sheet cakes. However, larger sizes like half-sheet pans (around 18×13 inches) offer more surface area and are ideal for baking larger batches of treats or roasting vegetables.

Conversely, smaller sizes like quarter-sheet pans are better suited for smaller kitchens or baking individual portions. Ultimately, selecting the right size ensures that your jelly roll pan meets your specific baking needs and fits seamlessly into your culinary repertoire.


When selecting a jelly roll pan, the material it’s made from is a critical consideration that directly impacts its performance and durability. Common materials for jelly roll pans include aluminum, stainless steel, and aluminized steel.

Aluminum pans are lightweight, offer excellent heat conductivity, and resist corrosion, making them ideal for even baking. Stainless steel pans are durable, non-reactive, and easy to clean, making them suitable for long-term use.

Aluminized steel pans combine the benefits of steel’s sturdiness with aluminum’s heat conduction, providing durability and even baking. Each material offers unique advantages, so choosing the right one depends on your baking preferences and needs.


When it comes to the price of a jelly roll pan, it can vary depending on several factors such as the material, brand, size, and additional features like non-stick coating.

Generally, basic jelly roll pans made from aluminum or stainless steel without a non-stick coating tend to be more affordable, ranging from $10 to $20. Pans with non-stick coatings or those made from higher-quality materials like aluminized steel may be priced slightly higher, typically ranging from $15 to $30.

Specialty or branded jelly roll pans may come at a premium price, especially if they offer unique features or are part of a baking set. Ultimately, the price you pay for a jelly roll pan should reflect its quality, durability, and suitability for your baking needs.


When considering a jelly roll pan, the coating is an important aspect to evaluate. Some pans come with a non-stick coating applied to their surface, typically made from materials like Teflon or ceramic.

This coating helps prevent food from sticking to the pan, making it easier to release baked goods and facilitating cleanup. Non-stick pans are particularly beneficial for baking delicate items like sponge cakes or cookies that may adhere to traditional pans.

However, it’s essential to note that non-stick coatings can wear off over time, especially with frequent use and exposure to high temperatures. Some people prefer uncoated pans, which may require greasing or lining with parchment paper but offer durability and versatility.

When choosing a coated or uncoated jelly roll pan, consider your baking preferences, maintenance requirements, and long-term durability to ensure it meets your needs effectively.


When selecting a jelly roll pan, paying attention to the edges is crucial. Jelly roll pans typically feature slightly raised edges, which are essential for containing the ingredients during baking.

These edges prevent spills or overflow of batter, ensuring that your baked goods maintain their shape and structure. The raised edges provide a surface for gripping and handling the pan, making it easier to maneuver in and out of the oven.

It’s essential to ensure that the edges are sturdy and well-constructed to withstand the heat of the oven and the weight of the batter. Whether you’re baking delicate sponge cakes or hearty sheet cakes, sturdy edges are a fundamental feature that contributes to successful baking results.


Durability is a crucial factor to consider when purchasing a jelly roll pan. Look for pans made from sturdy materials like aluminum, stainless steel, or aluminized steel, as these materials are resistant to warping and corrosion, ensuring long-lasting performance.

Check the thickness of the pan to ensure it can withstand frequent use and high temperatures without bending or buckling. Pans with reinforced edges and seams also contribute to durability, as they are less likely to warp or deform over time.

Consider reputable brands known for their quality bakeware, as they often use premium materials and construction techniques that enhance the durability of their products. Investing in a durable jelly roll pan ensures that it will withstand the rigors of regular baking and serve you well for years to come.

Brand and Reviews

When considering which jelly roll pan to purchase, it’s wise to research various brands and read reviews from other customers. Look for reputable brands known for their quality bakeware, as they often offer products that are durable, reliable, and backed by warranties.

Reading reviews from other customers can provide valuable insights into the performance, durability, and overall satisfaction with a particular jelly roll pan.

Pay attention to comments about the pan’s construction, non-stick coating (if applicable), ease of cleaning, and how well it performs for different types of baking tasks.

Keep in mind that while individual experiences may vary, patterns in reviews can help you make an informed decision about which jelly roll pan is best suited to your needs.


Versatility is an essential aspect to consider when purchasing a jelly roll pan. While its primary purpose may be for baking rolled cakes, such as jelly rolls, a versatile pan can serve multiple baking needs.

Look for a jelly roll pan that can also be used for baking cookies, sheet cakes, brownies, or even roasting vegetables. A pan with a non-stick coating may offer increased versatility, allowing for easy release of various baked goods and simpler cleanup.

Consider whether the pan is dishwasher-safe, oven-safe, and compatible with other kitchen appliances like microwaves or freezers, enhancing its flexibility for different cooking tasks.

Choosing a versatile jelly roll pan ensures that it becomes a versatile tool in your kitchen, capable of handling a wide range of baking needs with ease.

Top 5 Jelly Roll Pans

1. USA Jelly Roll Pan

USA Pan is a trusted brand known for its durable and professional-grade bakeware. The USA Jelly Roll Pan is crafted from heavy-duty aluminized steel, offering superior heat conduction and durability.

This pan features a corrugated surface, which enhances airflow for even baking and prevents warping over time. The non-stick Americoat coating ensures easy release of baked goods and effortless cleanup.

The USA Jelly Roll Pan is available in standard size, typically measuring around 10×15 inches, making it suitable for baking a variety of treats such as jelly rolls, cookies, sheet cakes, and more.

Whether you’re a professional baker or a home enthusiast, the USA Jelly Roll Pan provides reliable performance and consistent results for all your baking needs.

2. OXO Jelly Roll Pan

OXO is a renowned brand known for its innovative and functional kitchen products, and their jelly roll pan is no exception. The OXO Jelly Roll Pan is crafted with heavy-gauge aluminized steel, providing excellent heat conduction for even baking.

It features a non-stick coating that ensures easy release of baked goods and effortless cleanup. The square-rolled edges add strength and offer a secure grip for easy handling.

The micro-textured pattern on the surface promotes airflow for even baking and reduces the likelihood of food sticking.

The OXO Jelly Roll Pan is available in standard size, typically measuring around 10×15 inches, making it versatile for various baking tasks such as making jelly rolls, cookies, sheet cakes, and more. With its durable construction and user-friendly design, the OXO Jelly Roll Pan is a reliable choice for both amateur and professional bakers alike.

3. Nordic Ware Jelly Roll Pan

Nordic Ware is renowned for its high-quality bakeware, and the Nordic Ware Jelly Roll Pan lives up to that reputation. Crafted from durable aluminum, this jelly roll pan offers excellent heat conduction for even baking results.

Its reinforced encapsulated steel rim prevents warping, ensuring long-lasting performance. The non-stick interior ensures easy release of baked goods and effortless cleanup, while the slightly raised edges contain ingredients without spilling.

The Nordic Ware Jelly Roll Pan is available in standard size, typically measuring around 10×15 inches, making it ideal for baking a variety of treats such as jelly rolls, cookies, brownies, and more.

Whether you’re a novice baker or a seasoned pastry chef, the Nordic Ware Jelly Roll Pan provides reliable performance and exceptional baking results for all your culinary creations.

4. Chicago Metallic Jelly Roll Pan

The Chicago Metallic Jelly Roll Pan is a top choice among bakers seeking quality and reliability.

Crafted from heavy-duty carbon steel, this pan offers exceptional durability and heat conduction for even baking. Its reinforced, rolled edges prevent warping and ensure long-lasting performance.

The non-stick coating allows for easy release of baked goods and effortless cleanup. The Chicago Metallic Jelly Roll Pan is available in standard size, typically measuring around 10×15 inches, making it versatile for a wide range of baking tasks, including jelly rolls, cookies, sheet cakes, and more.

With its sturdy construction and superior non-stick properties, the Chicago Metallic Jelly Roll Pan is a favorite among both home cooks and professional bakers alike.

5. Gotham Steel Jelly Roll Pan

The Gotham Steel Jelly Roll Pan is a popular choice for its innovative design and reliable performance. Constructed with a blend of titanium and ceramic, this pan offers exceptional durability and non-stick properties.

The reinforced titanium interior ensures even heat distribution for consistent baking results, while the ceramic coating provides effortless food release and easy cleanup. The Gotham Steel Jelly Roll Pan features a sleek, modern design with slightly raised edges to contain ingredients during baking.

It is available in standard size, typically measuring around 10×15 inches, making it suitable for a variety of baking tasks such as jelly rolls, cookies, sheet cakes, and more.

Whether you’re baking for family gatherings or everyday treats, the Gotham Steel Jelly Roll Pan delivers professional-quality results and exceptional durability for years of use.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – What Is A Jelly Roll Pan

What makes a jelly roll pan so versatile in the kitchen?

A jelly roll pan’s versatility shines through its ability to effortlessly handle a variety of baking tasks, from crafting delectable cakes to roasting veggies to perfection.

How does using a jelly roll pan enhance baking outcomes?

Using a jelly roll pan ensures even heat distribution, resulting in perfectly baked treats with golden-brown edges and a tender crumb, making every bite a delightful experience.

Why is a jelly roll pan an essential tool for baking enthusiasts?

With its spacious yet manageable size, a jelly roll pan empowers baking enthusiasts to unleash their creativity, allowing them to experiment with an array of recipes and confidently tackle any culinary challenge.

What are the benefits of the distinct lip design of a jelly roll pan?

The raised edges of a jelly roll pan are a boon for baking enthusiasts, providing a secure grip when transferring the pan in and out of the oven, ensuring seamless baking experiences every time.

How does a jelly roll pan simplify cleanup after baking adventures?

Thanks to its non-stick surface and effortless cleaning properties, a jelly roll pan streamlines post-baking cleanup, allowing bakers to spend less time scrubbing and more time savoring their delicious creations.

What makes a jelly roll pan a must-have for hosting memorable gatherings?

Whether whipping up crowd-pleasing sheet cakes or savory appetizers, a jelly roll pan enables hosts to effortlessly prepare large batches of delectable treats, ensuring no guest leaves unsatisfied.

How does a jelly roll pan inspire culinary creativity in the kitchen?

A jelly roll pan serves as a canvas for culinary innovation, encouraging aspiring bakers to explore new flavors, textures, and techniques, ultimately leading to the creation of mouthwatering masterpieces.

Why is investing in a high-quality jelly roll pan a decision you won’t regret?

Investing in a premium jelly roll pan is an investment in culinary excellence, as its durability and performance guarantee years of baking bliss and countless moments of culinary triumph.


In conclusion, a jelly roll pan is a versatile and indispensable tool in the kitchen, favored for its shallow, rimmed design that facilitates the creation of various culinary delights.

From baking cakes, cookies, and pastries to roasting vegetables and even crafting savory dishes, its multifunctional nature makes it a must-have for both amateur cooks and seasoned chefs alike.

Whether you’re a baking enthusiast exploring new recipes or a professional seeking efficiency and uniformity in your culinary creations, the jelly roll pan stands as a reliable companion, capable of transforming simple ingredients into delectable treats with its reliable performance and practical design.